BMOS – Battery Monitoring and Optimization System

Date posted: 01/07/2022

BMOS is the solution of battery chain monitoring, early warning, balance & protection, applied in the battery chain/backup battery, high capacity energy storage system.

The system will remotely monitor internal and voltage, temperature indicators to determine the quality of batteries in real time; charging voltage balancing to avoid overcharging, which reduces battery life; protecting the battery chain when there is 1 or several batteries that are damaged suddenly (sudden death), avoiding the phenomenon of reverse voltage charging that damages the battery chain; Warning before an impending problem with audio, indicator lights, messages, calls, etc.


+ IoT platform: including communication connection system (via LAN, Wifi, Internet) & web-server software that collects data, analyzes reviews & alerts.

+ Monitoring module: a sensor that measuring temperature parameters, internal impedisive, voltage, current, humidity…, accompanied by optimal battery functions such as voltage balance, battery protection (by-pass), mode which is against battery sulfate.

+ Hardware design (diagrams)

Welgun has developed a management system that monitors voltage, current, internal resistance, temperature and optimizes the performance of each battery in the static battery chain – BMOS, with Software Controlling & Online Monitoring System (SCOMS) and sensor modules, allowing to perform these tasks remotely over the internet, with the main functions:

Monitoring, collecting and processing real-time data: recording events, analysing & evaluating to give appropriate forecasts and warnings.

Controlling and actively interacting with sensor devices, valves, power cabinets, cutting equipment… through IoT.

Competitive advantages:

  • Balance: BMOS actively adjusts the charging current of each battery to ensure that all batteries are charged at optimal voltage; Constantly monitoring and balancing the voltage charging of each battery in order to  help the battery rig always reach full capacity for service.
  • Battery protection function: with “by-pass” feature, the battery system still work normally when one or several batteries are badly damaged before replacing.
  • BMOS optimizes batteries to increase reliability and extend their life, while other battery monitoring systems  monitor without reactions when the battery condition is gradually deteriorating, even at the risk of sudden failure of entire chain.
  • With a special design, BMOS module is capable of high-frequency pulses with appropriate amniotic frequency that reduces sulfate processes, contributing to increased capacity and life of battery. BMOS can increase battery life at least 30% in testing. 
  • BMOS is also capable of monitoring current, ambient temperature (room temperature), humidity, amount of hydrogen in the room for Ni-cad batteries in real time.
  • Outstanding features, quick installation, light connection point (wireless).