“Human Resources Development Problem for Semiconductor Industry” Seminar

Saigon Hi-Tech Park Incubation Center (SHTP-IC) in collaboration with SNST & Finger Vina Company and the host of Board of Mangement of Saigon Hi-Tech Park organized “Human Resources Development Problem for Semiconductor Industry” Seminar on April 02nd 2021. Seminar’s purpose is to share knowledge and developing opportunities of semiconductor industry; effective solution to attract, build and develop human resources in semiconductor field in adapt bussines’s needs.

Place: AI Innovation Hub, Lot K1-G3, D1 Road, Saigon Hi-Tech Park, Thu Duc City, HCMC.

The Seminar defined reasons of the lack of human resources for semiconductor industry due to decreasement of registration ratio in STEM education while increasement quickly of hi-tech engineer demands. Especially, not only bussinesses but also educators participating in the seminar also defined the situation of students from top universities in Vietnam after graduating can not adapt business’s requirements.

According to the seminar, Saigon Hi-Tech Park Incubation Center in collaboration with SNST & Finger Vina opened Traing Center of Vietnam – Korea Semiconductor design, with the aim of launching training activities for semiconduction design technique and contributing to solve the problem of the lack of human resources currently.

Information about event: https://bit.ly/2W05dP7
